Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Also did I mention how much I hate this holiday?
It seems like every year I try to give it up and every year I get draged back into it.
I hate the real holiday behind the nonsence.
I hate more the Foolish christian ransacking of a pagan holiday.
I hate the bullshit Halmark/Toys'R' Us pillaging of some nonsence Religious nonsence.
Fucking spirit of giving,
Fucking togetherness,
Fucking angles in the outfield, (that movie blew, not sure why it was mentioned but this is as good a place as any)

This year all I want is for some one to show up at my door, peg me with a snow ball and scream, "End of the year Loser, Sucks to you!!!"

If its a yellow snow ball there will be hell to pay!!


Blogger Hotdish said...

Holy crap you are bitter. at the very least we all get some vacation time which is good.

10:13 AM  
Blogger ladymurasaki said...

yeah well - that kinda requires snow now doesn't it? so perk up. no one's going to transport a snow ball just fer yer sorry butt... *hug*

11:55 AM  

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