Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, March 31, 2005

After a short reprive I'm back. Been out sick for the last few days and seem to be getting worse. Which leaves me with quite a bit to comment on.

First off school, since I was out on monday my journal club presentation didn't happen. Not sure exactly what this means just yet, but waiting to find out. Lab work is still in a rut of sorts. Stupid western blots just don't want to cooperate.

Bridget Jones Diary 2, the edge of reason, i.e. the edge of suckdom. And let me say it went well over the edge. Its a classic case of having a funny film, which makes a lot of money. Then making a sequal of it in which you rerun a lot of the same jokes, but make them funnier. By funnier this is hollywood funnier, meaning not funnier and down right stupid. Some people want to push it to the limit and some people go over the edge. This film plummited from the start. Bridget is fatter, uglier, and more neurotic than she was in the first one. The bad boy is sleezier, the good boy nicer, and the physical comedy is shoved into every place they could.

Finding neverland: Possibly the best film of the year. Very sad, but exquisite in acting, plot, and directing. Its a mystical masterpeice that really takes you back to childhood.

tired of doing films. I've seen a lot lately so I'll save some for my next post. What I am going to comment on is steriotypes. Its truly interesting how well you can know some one by observing but a few aspects of them. Now don't get me wrong, steriotypes on gender, race, religion, ect are often just plain dumb, but at one time they were created for a reason. What is correct is taking those steriotypical traits and applying them to people where they seem to fit, even after only knowing a very little about someone.
This is why psychology works. You can actually predict people's behavior from this.

I'm probably not making much sence here.

Heh and I'm too tired to go into detail.


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