Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Every have one of those days where your brain and body just don't seem connected? Thats me today. I've got the dropsies and the spillies and a bunck of other bad "ies". Thinking is just too fast to act on without signifigantly jerky motion and probably knocking a few people down.
Its all just crazy.

We had our lab meeting last night and went over my bad westerns, but I did get soem helpful hints ab out them so today we run them again.
I still don't have a deffinate article for journal club, the one I had picked is way too indepth for the time I'm going to be able to spend on it so its back to searching.

The story I finished last night for a contest is ineligable due to entry submission being ended last week. Maybe its for the best because now I can add a few more paragraphs to it and give it a better ending. This means it will be too long to submit almost anywhere, but who cares. I hate flash fiction. You always have to leave something out to do it, eithor detail or content.

Oh I watched "Saved" for the second time last night. For those of you who don't know its a movie about born again christians, which is described on the back cover as something like hyserical satire.
"Saved" is not satire, and the only people who might think it was funny is other christians, because to them the bron again thing are the extremeists, who are laughable. Right now those same extremeists are in charge of this country and its anything but funny. I see this film much in the same way I would see a film about islam extremeists who were going to blow up a building. Its not funny, its dangerous. Anytime people stop thinking for them selves and decide to let someone or some book do their thinking for them is dangerous. A critical mind is the only defense against stupidity.

I am an atheist and proud of it. I don't go out preaching atheism, or destroying religion. That would defeat the purpose. People should become atheists because I say so. They should examine all the facts and make up their own mind. Mob mentality is a very dangerous thing, wether that mob be the lynching type or a christian revival.

Dammit people just stop and think about what you are doing for a moment.

A cousin of mine has been suckered into this nonsence. She is about to throw away her education (almost finished with a masters degree) and fly off to africa some place to take care of people with AIDS. This is just stupid. What does she really think she is going to do over there? She has no medical training. AIDS is an incurable disease. What few meds we have to slow down the progress of the vrus are often not taken by the people there due to their beleif in faith healing and other shit like that. Also most people there don't use condoms again due to religious influnce. So great, you can go see sick people and whipe the sweat off their heads and give them some water and feel oh so good about your self.

Its all such bullshit.

I should have a talk with this girl. From what I hear she is thuroughly inducted into this sham. The stories I could tell, and probably will when I get some time.


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