Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Don't fall into the trap!
I did last night. It was a stupid move, but for some reason I thought I was safe. Noooo. Not safe at all. Screw safe. I've never done safe in my life (not true).
When people ask an oppinion of me expect to get a true and accurate responce as I see it. I don't play all those, yes you look good in that games, especially if who ever is asking dosen't.
If you say you think you are getting bigger or something to that tune and I agree, I'm going to say so. Bah people....

Revenge, not nearly as easy as people make it out in the movies. And the net is useless when it comes to revenge. You eithor have to buy their book, which I'm not going to do, or they have some crappy story about getting back at their ex by stealing his stuff or sending him a lot of crap he didn't order. Thats crappy revenge. I need something lasting, something you wake up every day and say, "damn it I shouldn't have messed with him". But at the same time, something that isn't going to land me in jail. There aren't enough consiquences in life. You can fuck someone over and be an asshole and nothing hapens. I'm not one of those people who goes by "They will get theirs in the end" or any of that "God knows" crap. Bah.......

Secrets, once you know some one is keeping secrets from you life begins to alter. Maybe I'm just paranoid, well yeah I am, but it makes you wonder. What else are they keeping hidden, holding back, talking about you behind your back to their friends, plotting, planning, laughing.
I'm really starting to lose it. I just don't relate to people at all.

This is all really starting to annoy me so I'm going to end it here.


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