Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A post was made below linking to a news article about Iran changing the name of their danish pasterys to rose of muhumad or some nonsence like that.
I'm sorry but I must comment on this. Its silliness and lack of moral fiber at its best.
The Danes made some silly cartoons about the prophit muhumad. So Iran had a bunch of riots and killed or beat any foreigners they could find and other throcratic stupidity like that. This I don't support, what I do support is a boycott.

Some Iranish people are apparently actually sensible and called for a boycott of danish goods. This is good. Its how things work in the civilized world. If you don't like what people are saying, then don't give them money, don't buy their stuff, ect.

Now where the moral fiber comes in is apparently the people of Iran are too weak willed to have a real boycott. They just can't stand day to day life without their Danishes. So instead of being real men and taking a stand and giving up somethign you like to make a point, they cave. They take the danish product slap an "Approved by the Korran" sticker on it and its all ok. You people make me sick. You're just a bunch of whiners.

This post will probably get me on a fatawa list or somehting, because apparently its civilized to kill people who don't agree with you or say something you don't like as long as you can still eat flaky bread with cream cheeze filling. Chumps.

PS I have the same thoughts about Freedom fries (french fries), Freedom toast (french toast), ect.


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