Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The slow of morning
I remember when my mornings started around 6am. I was up and in at my desk and quite often doing something work related.
Now my mornings begin around 9am. I sometimes get in by 8:30 ish but then by the time I'm at my desk its closer to 9. Its 10 now or very close to it and it still feels like early morning. So much enegry wasted I can't even begin to describe. I can't just robot this work eithor. Every day is something new and I need to think. I could robot Pfizer without even a second thought. GMP work is like that. Learn the rules that govern it and you're set until the rules change and even then its only modifications of the rules you know. I don't like how my creativity has suffered. Any free time I have now is wasted, resting, watching TV, or sorting through the gutters of the internet.
The net used to be a portal to information for me. I read sites of world news, debate, creative writing, and gaming. Now its just a place of cheap depravity.
A change is emminant.

Last night was a big waste of time. I went down to NYC for an RNAi confrence. Phil Zamore spoke. Fr those of you who don't know, he is one of the two leading guys in RNAi and will probably receive the nobel prize within the next few years. His talk was all stuff recycled from his papers. It was like going to a stuid biochem lecture where the pprof reads off her notes, which you have a copy of in front of you. After The illusterious Zamore spoke, there were two structural guys, structural guys look at protein, DNA, or RNA structure, they make up all these little modles of how the Atoms fit together, its kind of like an erector set where you have a bunch of straight peices screwed together in a row, but then you can still bend it to make different sapes and stuff. Strucural guys can see actual protein, DNA, RNA structures using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance immaging like MRI, the things doctors use to scan people) or X-ray crystalography (make a crystal form of the molecule, think making salt or sugar crystals, then shooting it with Xrays to see what it looks like). This is how they prove what the structure is. Instead of real Data, these guys just had model after model. Now the models were soe what interesting, but all in all mean nothing.
So all in all big waste of time.

A bit annoyed about that. There was lab work I could have finshed and sleep I could have used.

So far nothing of real interest to report about today.


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