Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Back from class and have a few minuites before I start lysing cells.

forgot which number I was on so we'll go with ...

5. Uppers to downers to uppers again is a mess. MY body was not meant to go on this sort of chemical roller coaster.

6. You pee a lot when enhanced. I must have gotten up like every 20 minuites last night. It was nuts.

7. Everything gets kind of numb. Sence of touch and that sort of thing were almost nonexistant. How people get it on after toking, I'll never know.
7b. the above was discovered while alone, there was no getting it on or attempts to do so.

8. Like with alcohol its a bad combo with ADD. I couldn't get through a sentance without forgetting what I was talking about.

I think thats about all I have to say about it.

Would I do it again?

Probably not. I'm not big on a lack of control and thats what it was rapidly turning into.

In other bad news I found out my friend is going to bail and head off to a teching job at a different school. I don't think its the best move for her, but she has been very unhappy here. She will be missed.


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