Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sleep is not that important. I find a good rage usually evens out with loss of sleep.
I was able to go home early last night and took a nap, as always, big mistake. So the nap was about 20-40 min and it ends up keeping me awake until somewhere between 12 and 1am. Nice trade off.

Today I'm finishing a western which seems to be coinciding with class. Stupid class. If I didn't have to present this figure from a paper I'd probably just skip it. Oh and this figure I have to present is total crap. Let me see if I can explain it:
The first two parts are western blots.
A western blot: you take some cells and smash them up into a goey paste, this is full of all different kinds of proteins. One of these proteins is the important one you want.
You then run this paste on an SDS page gel (remember again a gel is sort of a jello jiggler looking thing squished between two glass plates), which seperates the proteins by their size.
Next you take one of the glass plates off and stick a membrane to the gel, (membrane is a scientific word for expensive paper)
You pass an electric current through the gel, which moves the proteins out of it and into the membrane.
You then go through a long amount of solution changes, ect, which results in antibodies which are specific for the protein you want sticking to it. Think of antibodies as one of those golf bal picking up devices and proteins as golf balls, basebals, basketbals, and rubix cube. the golf ball picker-uper should only pick up the golf balls and not be able to pick up any of the others.
Now if you have a bad antibody (nonspecific) it would be like hafing a base ball glove in the same senerio. The base ball gove could pick up the golf ball, basebal, and rubix cube.

Ugh this is taking too long.

The paper sucks, it dosen't have good controls, their antibody cross reacts with some other proteins and their methods seem crappy.

I'm very anoyed.


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