Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday, painful monday, I am beyond tired and working well into the world of sick. This weekend was a litle too much go and not enough rest.
I came home friday and for the most part just passed out. Saturday I went out and got in a round of disk golf before heading over to Watch Hill where a friend of mine is buying a condo. We hit it up there day and night and I drank the better portion of a 40 of colt 45. I guess thats kind of an oxymoron. There is no better portion of colt 45.
I survived my drive home and passed out until sunday morning, where I got up and ready and hauled my ass and BZ up to boston to see my brother graduate. The ceremony was nice and short, concidering we missed more than half of it. After ward there was a picnic. Stayed there until 6 something then drove back to New London. And had a night of horrid gas and nausea (not from the gas).

This morning is more of the same, but I have cells to grow. Unlike me, cells can't take a day off :(


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