Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, December 17, 2004

Van Helsing, some mindless violence is always good.
They are probably sitting at home. Cuddling, loving, watching romantic comedies. Here I sit cuddling a green glass bottle. Life is unfair.
That is the true lesson. Go out find the love of your life, find your soul mate, but thats only real until you find someone better. Then just drop that old guy. Who needs needless baggage.
Fucking lugage.
I'm so sick of it.
Life is a circle. Everything you are you will be again.
Hell I can't even cry anymore. Its been almost 3 years now. 3 years ago on a night like this I just went numb. "I still say we would have had beautiful babies" The fucking words ring in my head.
I'm just empty and cold now.
No more real hate.
No more love.
No passion.
I am a robot.
I move through life on reflex reaction.
Nod, smile, laugh, joke, life is nothing more that a series of programed responces.
I need to start over before all this is lost.


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