Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Well I was able to touch upon the optimal level of depression last night and got a little writing done. Unfortunatly since it took me about 20 minuites to find the peice I wanted to do I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Still progress is progress. I'm also finding writing unmedicated is very difficult. Every little noise in the house pulls me from productive state and back to the real world. You just can't write romantic fantasy when the dog keeps poking you in the leg with her nose.

Going out to lunch today to celebrate birthdays for JB and Andy so that should be fun.
I have a bit of science to do, but not too much. I want to establish some better controls for my experiment.

Only one more day left until the end of the week and I take a little time of for the holidays.

Oh and as I was taking the trash out this AM, stupid dog decides she needs to run outside and go for a stroll. So I burned a few minuites chasng her around. Damn dog is fast.

Ride in wasn't too bad. My new book, "Mirror mirror" is quite bad, at least as an audio book. The character's names are not easy to remember, the book often has long bouts of poetry stuck randomly in it, and the plot often seems needlessly complex. So I'm not really sure what is going on in the story. It seems to be set in italy some times and some fantasy land others. It might allso be that I'm just not tha interested in keeping up with it all.


Blogger Jamie said...

Is that by Gregory Macguire? It's an alternate reality of Snow White right?

6:51 AM  

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