Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Well diversity training was a full on waste of time, but at least it was sort of fun. Fun in that pointing and laughing sort of way. I have deffinatly been to way too many diversity training scessions. My group scored way better than the other group in the quiz and I didn't fall for eithor of the instructor's mind tricks. It was two of those, say a word five times, like roast.
Go on try it.
Then answer this question "what goes in a toaster?"
Did you think toast?
Wrong, ponder some more.

After that was a long day of lab work. My stupid cells decided to be ready for the DNA damaging reagent at about 4pm and the stupid media wasn't ready until 5pm. So now I have to take time points at 9pm and at 1am. Its going to be a fun filled night.

Which means I should spend my pissing and moaning time writing up the adventure for this week, Mwahahahahahahah!!!!!!


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