Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, March 17, 2006

What a week, What a week!
Its game night and I'm glad this week has come to an end. Monday's faux exam was not all that fun, but at least I can start my project now.
Yesterday was long and dull. We had our annual molecular microbio and biochem retreat, which means a day at UCONN stores campus and a lot of presentations given to people in uncomfortable chairs. For a day away fro work its a real hassle. Truthfully I'd rather be here doing lab stuff.

In good news we won auctions for pocket bikes which are on their way. I'm psyched to try this new hobbie out. It seems like it could be a lot of silly fun.

Not too much of excitement has happened this week. Mostly I've been beat physically and enotionally from the exam thingie and all the days that led up to it and followed it. I'm still waiting on mutants to come in from the mail so I can really start to work on my project. I am excited I will get to do NMR for it. Its a giant magnet machine, like an MRI device. To me stuff like that makes science cool. Its all of those mad scientist like machines.


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