Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spellsword62% Combativeness, 46% Sneakiness, 76% Intellect, 22% Spirituality
Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you’ve fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't. Spellswords combine arcane might with combat know-how. They're much tougher than mages, like to wear armor, and can cast spells through their weapons. They're very, very, good at doing lots of damage to a single target very quickly, and while not quite as tough as most fighters, are still pretty hard to kill. You're both smart and aggressive, which means that you're probably pretty dangerous when pissed off. You also tend to be somewhat straightforward, which is nice, and don’t have much use for spirituality or mysticism.

got on some which class are you test.
Eithor I'm too much like my friend J or this test just sucks.
I'm leaning toward the latter.
Besides as prestige classes go spell sword has to be one of the crappiest. Its not a best of both worlds sort of thing, its a you're a suck mage and a sucky fighter. Your greatest power is to cast your suckiest spells through your sword. Great, because my awesome mage attack bonus makes hitting stuff with my sword ever so easy.
Total trash.

LAst night I got some decent sleep and woke up to one hell of a dream. All I realy remember was that some girl from school was in it. I think it was some sort of spy/secret agent sort of deal. Thats what I get for watching the horror that is "Thunderbirds" before bed.

Its going to be another long lab day. I got in early to try to shorten it up some, but we'll see how well that works.


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