Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To start:
"Oops I did it again"
"Oops I did it again"
I need to listen to more beneign radio on the way in. So far this day has been too busy to really think much. But when I stop to think about whether I'm thinking I start to think, which I don't think should count.

For those of you who don't understand, just remember, I'm mental.

We're supposed to be filming this weekend but so far I haven't gotten an affirmative from anyone. Now I remember why the last film we did was all so last minuite. We had a solid 3 person cast and then picked up who ever wasn't busy at the time we wanted to shoot and threw them in.

I think for any future films I'm going to have to recruit form outside the people I know, which makes it harder to type cast people, so we'll probably have to have real auditions.

I can't even say how much of a downer it is. Even people who should be a lock are waffeling. Maybe I'll just pull an eddie murphy and write a one man show and do all the different parts mysef.

Thats all for now. Its a busy lab day so I'll probably be going out of my head in a few hours. With luck thought I'll be able to get out a bit early to work on props and maybe some script revisions. Also I need to solidify the adventure for this week. I think I've come up with enough of an idea to keep the game running for some time, but I need a lot of monsters worked up for this war. Though maybe I'll just do mostly boss monsters as there are enough minnions to keep each other busy and they aren't really a challenge to anyone in the party.


Blogger Shadicats said...

What is this film you speak of...

1:29 PM  

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