Memories of the Future

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

The new Pope is an asshole.

There I said it.
Now its no secret I'm no fan of organized religion and the wack jobes they like to put up on pedistals, but when I'm done I have a feeling a few of you might aggree with me.

When this Ass was first put in the position I thought to my self, now whats going to be wrong with this one. I wasn't a big fan of the old pope, but besides trashing other religions every now and then and having a midevil stance on birth control, they guy was fairly stand up.
He goes out, new guy comes in. Right away we see the reports that old RatSinger was part of the Hitler Youth. Great Nazis in the Catholic church. So he claims it was all a mistake and he got out before anything happened or something like that and I give him the bennofit of the doubt.

Now we have this,0,5512262.story?coll=la-home-commentary

He goes to Auschwitz and makes the false claim that the horrors that went on there were only done by a "ring of criminals" who tricked the good german people.
As this wasn't bad enough he goes on to say that the Nazi's killing of the Jews was to "to tear up the taproot of the Christian faith". What is this Bullshit?
Many of the Nazis were christians. Even Hitler said he was one. And those of you who claim he wasn't because of his actions are just blinding yourselves. Lots of people who are christians don't act like it.

What the hell is going on in the world?
Just because our president seems to be able to lie to the american people and get away with it time and again does this mean all the world leaders should start doing it?
What the hell happened to good people, with real values. Where are all the stand up leaders, who see worngs in the world and stand up and speak out against it.
When did we enter this MAfia esque era, where you see the neighbor's getting robbed and you go snag their TV because you want to get your payday too.

Ass Holes, all of them!


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