Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, December 04, 2006

My excelent weekend.
Last week my weekend began on friday...why is that you might ask?
Well thursday night I'm heading home along rt. 9 and right around exit 11 I can see an accident up on the right hand poart of the road. I see the car in front of me tap their breaks. Probably rubber necking or somehting stupid like that. Then they SLAM on the breaks: complete stop. I jam on mine and hit the horn. My forester slowly skids to a stop just before hitting them. I hit the horn again. They have apparently decided to just park in the middle of the road. From behind me I hear the squeel of tires and I know its comming.
Bang! The forrester jolts as the guy behind me tags it.
The the jack ass who caused all of this finally puts his car in gear and takes off, ass wipe!!
So admits heavy traffic I get my vehicle over to the side of the road and exchange insurance info with the guy who hit me.
Friday I get an appointment to see the auto repair guys and spend most of the day waiting for my turn only to get a ticket to come back later when they have parts in. Ugh. I also deal with the insrance compagny on friday. At least I wasn't hurt and since it was totaly the other guy's fault the insurance co is going to foot the whole bill.

Frday night was game night. The game went well and I finally got to introduce the pirates. It was a good battle. The game got over a little early, but one of our guest players, Beer Guy, had some car trouble so I was still up until midnight ish trying to help him out. He ended crashing in the guest room. I am really glad we have a guest room.
Sat me and BZ got up and out of the house by 9:30ish which is early but we had a long drive ahead of us. Beer guy stayed behind to wait for his wife to try to get the car going. We made the long haul down to penn to pick up a life size R2D2 for the wedding. He needs some work, but for the 25$ plus gas he cost we couldn't have done better.

Sunday we pretty much just chilled out and cleaned the house.

Ah yes we saw Clerks 2 on thursday. Possibly the funniest movie I've seen in the last few years. I was literally asmatic with laughter. I highly recomend it to anyone who is a kevin smith fan or who appreciates some great genera humor.


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