I got quite a bit of work done today. We added a wood backing to the wall to give it a more finished look. I also did a lot of sanding so it was another day of blowing my nose and having thick black saw dust come out, delightful. A least this is one step closer to done, just have to finish the sanding and then poly the floor and we'll have a bunch of extra living space.
Bit by bit I'm feeling the draw to begin writing again. I really want to put a number of new pages into Sara's book, but its not quite time yet. What it is time for is to finish off the adventure for this week. I think I'm going to try to really work up some flavor text. We've had way too many days of straight up combat. So I think I'm going to put some puzzles together, which the party is ever so fond of doing. I am really jonsing to play.
Bit by bit I'm feeling the draw to begin writing again. I really want to put a number of new pages into Sara's book, but its not quite time yet. What it is time for is to finish off the adventure for this week. I think I'm going to try to really work up some flavor text. We've had way too many days of straight up combat. So I think I'm going to put some puzzles together, which the party is ever so fond of doing. I am really jonsing to play.
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