Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So last saturday was two big events.
1. it was Ian's bachlor party. Now unlike other B parties Ian isn't in to strippers and all that so for us him it was a big game day. We started off with "The War on Terror" a game which has been banned in the us and has to be special ordered from europe. The game was fun anf funny, but took a long time to play. Its kind of a mix between risk and Settlers with lots of funny cards and add ons. We started around noon and ended around 6pm.
Following that we played a bunch of games of Heroscape. Its a build your army and fight it out sort of game. Easy to pick up and fun to play as well. By the time we finished it was 2:30 am. I drove home from there fighting off sleep to arrive home at 3:30am. I am really not made for these late nights any more.

The secoind big even of saturday is BZ got her puppy in. After the Jay fiasco she still wanted a dog and decided to get a pupy. She found one on a Welsh Corgi website and sent away for him. He flew in Saturday night and was picked up in providence. I'll be putting some pics up on my myspace page when I get a chance, BZ already has some up on her's if you want to go there. He's cute and spunky and craps a lot. So far we've been calling him keebler, like the cookie maker. More puppy stories to come.


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