Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, March 26, 2004

An interesting phenemon happened last night and let it be a lesson to you all. After a full day on the mend of relinquishing illness through watching many many eppisodes of buffy the vampire slayer, I turned in for a good night's rest. A while later my signifigant other joined me. At the stroke of 11:14pm I was awoken to a hard hammer fist strike to me back (I sleep face down as any sane person should) And the words "die vampire". Apparently she though she was staking me. SO let this be a lesson to you, buffy before bed is a no no. I would sugest something warm and moving like when "harry met sally" or "Sex Trek 2, the search for sperm". Other no no's may include "Kickboxer" and "Enough" Starring Jennifer Lopez.

I have had some dreams/visions as of late, but haven't been able to make much of them. In on I was on a white water rafting trip with the main characters from the cartoon "King of the Hill" and strangly enough I wasn't beating hank or peggy to death with a pair of wadders due to their incessant lack of hummor.
Speaking of humor not much is better than the show "Futuramma" anyone of true intelect will recognise this immeaditly.

The word for the day is Malt. Procure some as soon as possible.


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