Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, April 26, 2004

Well me mind has settled some since I last wrote.
This weekend was a crazy one. I was back in a church for the first time in about 4 years, didn't take long to realize I don't miss it at all. This was another forced entrance for a wedding I had little recource but to go to. At least the preacher guy kept things moving and we were out of there before I tapped into the darkness inherant to all places of worship. One thing I did take a few moments to notice were the scroll hangings they had spaced around the building. There were four to be precise. Of them three made some sence, there was one with a fish that said some thing about fisher or life, one with a dove that was prince of peace, one with a hmm, don't remember but it made sence. then there was the "king of heaven" one with a picture of a donkey. Now this just makes no sence, unless you are trying to say your god is an ass.
Anyway I'm glad its over and hopefully it will be some time before I'm forced to go back into a church again.

Good news today, I got a message that I have been accepted to school and the aceptance is in the mail. This is kind of funny because I had just finished talking myself out of going and taking another year to prep. Now I only have a few months to pull together what ever savings I have (which isn't all that much) and pay of any major depts I have (also not too many) to have me ready to stop working at the end of summer and become a poor person.


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