Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I've been getting a lot f those "get to know you" sorts of emails lately. you know the ones, here are 50 some odd mundane questions about your life that no one who gets this really cares about. SO I've decided to make up some questions that people will actually care about. Feel free to send them out if you know of people you really want to get to know, just let them know where you got them.

1. If you got into a fist fight with a monkey, who would win?

2. You're about to get into a whip cream fight with your signifigant other, whats the most suitable attire?

3. Whats the best place to get kissed?

4. How can you tell if your boy/girl/best friend is a secret government spy?

5. How many bannannas do you think you could fit in your mouth at one time?

6. You're on a plane that crashes in the rockies, how log before you stat wondering how the chubby guy tastes?

7. Do you ever smell people hello?

8. They are going to make a movie about your life, who would you want for your body double for the poster?

9. Ever take silver wear, a dish, or a glass from a resturant?

10. What color underwear am I wearing right now?


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