Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

well today has just started off exciting.
first off it was a night of visions and insanity.
I dreamt that I was with my friends Ian and Jay and for some reason we were going to visit an old friend of theirs. We get to the house driving a blue station waggon (a vehicle none of us own). the house was more of a shack than a home. It was a small dirty white ranch with chickens in the yard and piled up crates on the sides f the house. We were met be a girl who apparently was the sister of who we were comming to see. She told us her brother was in one of his moods and we should go in. The inside of the house was filthy as well, with bugs crawling al over the walls and dead bugs stuck in ever crack available, covering the lights, in some sort of mesh looking fence, very gross.
The friend turned out to be some "special" man who was quite a few cookies shy of a jar. And those were peanut butter cookies with extra nuts. He was very dirty and had a sort of lag in his speach. for some reason we were trying to get him to play games with us or something but instead he attacked me with a knife. I ran away trying to find a place to hide in the house and finally found the door out.
Outside I found myself in the back yard. There was a big pile of parrels on their sides. The crazy guy follows me out and starts trying to knife me again. Then the sister comes out and tells him he has to stop or she will dump his beer. She then proceeds to smack open on of the barrels and some liquid I assumed to be beer comes pouring out. The guy stops comming after me and starts crying about the beer.
Thats where I woke up. I'm not entirly sure what to make of it yet, but we'll see.
Besides that I lost my keys this morning and its driving me nuts. I'm usually a person of habbit. get home, disarm the security system, neutralize the attack dogs, put my keys on the counter or bar. both places were empty and I can't for the life of me remember where they went to. Probably some sort of gremlins or microdemons. Darn dog should take care of them.

Well I should go reason for a while. tootles to all that know.

Todays warning toothpaste is the government's new spy tool. They put super small microphones in it that get on your teeth so they can listen in to all of your conversations for that day. I have here by quit brushing my teeth and I recomend you all do the same.


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