Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Well first things first, I have another story up at

so check it out and please leave feedback.

Secondly I had a most imensive vision last night. I saw myself and BZ buying a cabin up in northern maine. The odd thing is the previous owners had just died and all their crap was still in the cabin including 5 dogs of various mutt like breeds. The dream was mostly about going through the cabin and checiing out the rooms which mostly had horrid pastel colored furnature and hideous wall paper. We spent one night in the cabin in the bed that was there without changing the sheets (yuck). then we got up and began to throw stuff out. I remember cleaning out the spice rack for some reason and besides the normal spices there was weird stuff there like jello shots in petri dishes and a giant lollipop that was half eaten.

Thats about where the vision ended.

I give a special warning about pasten colors and spices today.


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