Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, June 21, 2004

Well this weekend was an exciting one. Saturday I went in with some friends of mine and rented a 2700psi power washer and gave the old house a good hosing. It was a bit dissappointing in actuality. Of the different nosels we were given with the piece of equipment only one did a really good job for the most. We started out with a normal tip, which was not quite as powerful as my garden hose. then we switched to a wide birst tip, also weak and barly got the house wet. Finally we switched to the tip that we were warned would shoot holes in concrete. Well I guess some of the dirt on my houise is stronger than concrete as it took a focused spraying to even get some of it off. On a good note after about an hour of use the thing finally got up to full power and I was able to use the wide burst sprayer to remove all of the green smutz from the front porch.
End result, house does look a little cleaner, at least form the outside.

Sunday was my first try at Frisbee Golf. Its a lot of fun but a taxing sport. We played an 18 hole cource 3 times. By the third run through the cource my arms were killing me. When I woke up this morning it was stiff back, arms, waist, legs, groin....ignore that last bit. It was enough pain that I almost didn't come in to work. Not exactually sure why I did.

So far today I have input data into a spread sheet and finished edditing on a story I have been joint writing. IT should be up on some time soon.

Not too much else going on today. I'm trying to work up a gaming adventure for this friday and it will be my first sort of talkie adventure. I usualy run a lot of combat, which is a lot easier so we'll see how it goes. If it starts to become a disaster I'll probably just sick a big dragon on them or something :)


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