Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, November 04, 2004

After all my problems yesterday I forgot to add this.
As of about 10AM EST America is over.
The masses of morons have spoken and decided to remove any semibalance of freedom we would have left.
They have elected for another 4 years George W. Bush. I can't begin to describe what horrors this will bring about.
the only thing that has stoped him from totally trampeling people's rights in the last 6 months or so has been the upcomming election. Thanks to the democrats idiotic choice of putting Kerry up against him that threat is now over.
So wave bye bye people:
Say good bye to the freedom of choice.
Say good bye to freedom of religion.
Say good bye to being a leader in science.
Say good bye to new life saving drugs.
Say good bye to Gov run agencies giving you information that hasn't first been edditied by the Christian good book.
Sa good bye to a supreme coourt that actualy cares what the constitution says and say hello to a supreme court that wiill rule accordingly to a different set of doccuments.
The US will now enter into more useless wars to further the christian cause.
The Us will now push forth more ammendments to the patriot act to remove the rights of its citizens, all the while telling them how it is good for them.

I had this though while driving in this morning. People want soeone to tell tem what to do. Most people need someone to do this. This is why so many people join organized religion. They want that safe comforting feeling of never having to think for your self. People say thhey want freedom, but at the same time it scares them.
Our forefathers wanted it. they wanted it bad enough they would risk life and limb to travel across the ocean and try to survive in an inhospitable world. (though the freedom they wanted was to be able to burn people as witches and parctice their own harsh version of christianity, thankfully somewhere alng the way someone wrote up a document that would allow us all to live together in peace)
America in theory is not about rules that promote a moral way of life or a godly way of life. America is about sucking it up and dealing with the stuff you don't like. If your neighbors want to raise a golden calf and dance around it good for them. True america says you don't have to join them, you don't have to watch, you don't even have to like it and if you want to stand in your own yard with a sign that says my neighbors are going to hell, thats all within your rights. What you don't have the right to do is tell them they can't do it and have the government back you up on it.
I predict this is what we will see in the next four years.


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