Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Well today has been quite a bit hectic, but first a little catch up.

On sat, me and Bz took a way out of the way road trip up to the land of ass, I mean mass. there we spent many hours touring the lesser known areas, jamacia pond, The arburitum, various hospitals, until we finally found ourselves at my sisters appartment. From there it was a quick leap to the train and a long wait for a bus, which wasn't supposed to stop where we were waiting. Finally we reached the museum of Science. There we saw a fantastc LotR display. All of the orgional costumes, weapons, rings, ect from the film. Lots of info on all of it, some from Tolken's works, some about who made the actuall pieces. There was also a lot there on how they did the CGI, with some motion capture stuff you could try out. Me and BZ go pictures of ourselves hobbit sized. The rest of the museum was sciencerific. Exibits on fluid dynamics, states of matter, ight and lasers, and much much more. so after about 20 minuites we were out of there and onto Aldente', a very tasty Itilian resturant. Some good chicken parm and some homemade pasta went down and we made one final stop at mike's pasteries for some canolies before heading home.

Sunday I woke up late, didn't make it in to school, and only got a few slides made for the papers. It was pretty much a waste of a day. I did however get to see a cinderella story. It was a cute and fairly funny film. for anyone who actually knows me, please disregaurd those last few lines. I've never seen anything Hilliary Duff stars in.

monday was a whirlwind of activity. I spent most of the day rushing around trying to get the presentation ready. I gave the presentation at 3:00. It went over about as well as could be expected concidering the data was total crap. At least I went so I would hope for a decent grade in the class.

Today, I spent the morning trying to read another paper for Biochem class. I got through it once, but didn't know the figures well enough to explain the in class so no big extra credit for me. Hopefully there will still be some. this after noon I was going to set up a PCR experiment with my new primers, but henry decided the cloning would be more usefull. Then I got stuck going to a seminar which I though was pretty useless untill Henry asked me about it. I'm still not totaly convinced of its value, but apparently he is. After the seminar in the middle of my transfrmation, he came by again and said a repeat of an SSCP experiment I did was critical data to have, so that got thrown together today as well. So its pretty much been go go go all day. Then while I was streaking my plates of "hopefully" transformed bacteria, some ethanolsplashed onto the counter top and caught fire. fortunatly we tape these diper things onto the counter to soak up radioactive stuff so it caught fire as well. I was able to slap it out with my hand, which is stinging a bit. With any luck no more crap will happen today.

On a side note. My new audio book is "Soon". I'm not sure how much of this book I can take. I should have known from the back cover which went something like...
"Its 36 years after WW3, all Religion is gone, the world is at peace. Jack is head of an international intelegance organization and has been placed in charge of looking into terrorist activities, which some see as miracles. When an attack hits close to home, Jack must look into himself and discover whether or not things are as they seem." or something to that respect.
So far the book is:
Tape 1: The atheist people in charge are bad people. They commit acts of atrociaty, like stuffing suspected christians into barrels of napalm, then lighting them on fire. A bunch of bad science, a few nukes in china kill hunderds of billions of people (there are less than 10 billion peeps now in the whole world), this also causes massive tidal waves that sweep over the pacific, drownd hawaii, and flood most of California. This is all bullshit. Skipping on...
Tape 2: Jack is a total womanizing jerk. He treats his wife like shit and bones lots of chicks o the side. He is allso profoundly atheist and embodies the steriotype entirly. He kills without hesitation, watches as christians are beat to death with bricks, and a lot of other shit like that...
Tape 3: Jack gets blinded in an oil fire. He's even more of a jerk and very self pitying. He starts listening to the New Testimen on tape to try to brush up on the christian threat to stop them by finding out what makes them tick. He takes a trip to DC and on the plane ride back, flys into a storm, where he miraciously pleads with God to save him or somehting like that and with all miracles running full ahead, lighting strikes and Jack feels all tingely. More importantly he sees the light, literally. His seeing begins to return and more annoyingly he begans to rant on and on about how great it is to be a christian and all of the wonderful things Jesus said in the bible.

I'm not sure if I can sit through 5 more discs of this. The books is obviously christian written and really reads more like bible tracks than a story right now. Some annoying stupid things in the book:

1. Christmas is gone, as would be expected in a nonreligious society. It has been replaced by Wintermass. This makes no sence. Winter celebration, Festival of snow, ect I could understand. Christmas is made up of Christ (jesus) and mass (religious gathering for prayer and stuff). Calling it wintermass still sugests its a day of church and prayer, i.e. Mass.

2. In a society that has bee without religiou for 30 some odd years people wouldn't use terms like "foxhole christians" meaning people who only pray when they feel they are in danger.

3. The immence steriotyping of the characters. Every non-christian character is weak, jerky, self pitying, ect. All of the christian characters are noble, true, self sacrificing. They don't fight back when caught, but go peacefully to their deaths. In fact you can tell right off who all of the christians are. If they aren't total jerks and seem somewhat kind then that character is a christian.

4. The lousy science and degree of technology they have. In some ways they are much more advanced than we are now, laser guns and some other stuff. In most ways they are just like us or sometimes are even behind us, i.e. Jack finds a letter from his father written in about 2008 or 9. Its been written with an old fashion ink pen, the kkind you have to draw the ink into. Do tey even still make these now adays?

Well I should get back to work before I spend the rest of my day ranting.


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