Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well I am beat again. I think my body decided the best way to handle how tired I am is to not sleep very much last night. It seemed like I got up about every thirty minuites. At least I made it in here today without dozing off. The new book is helping. Not sure who it is by but it seems to be some sort of prequal to peter pan and is written decently.
Today is going decently so far. Haven't been yelled at yet, but I did find out this morning that I was given bad info again and all the time I spent here last night was a total waste as I had to rerun the gel. At least I didn't get in at 4AM this morning to stop it. That would have sucked.
I'm slowly working up some suprising adventure twists for the halloween game. It feels very good to be writing again, even if its just for a game. My prion story idea is comming along slow and needs to be hashed out better.
In other news it looks like I will be moving up here for some time. I've taken a closer look at apartments and have found some decent candidates. One even has a pool. the only question is can I survive on like 200$ spending money for a month?? My visa bill for last month was like $1700, of cource that had a couple of big shopping wal mart trips on it. why is it I seem to spend 100$ there eery time I go. Buying into the crappy gym I'm not in wasn't such a great idea eithor. Of cource thhat was when I though I was making 400$ a week doig 1/2 days at PFE.
In good news, I beleive Van Helsing came out today so I'll have to stop off and grab it on the way home. Great more buying.


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