Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

To top yesterday off, apparently my PCR reaction got contaminated with DNa form some where so the negative control lit up.

this morning I woke up around 3am some time out of a dream that I was at school and had done some simple experiment wrong and Henry was berating me for it. My dreams are becomming to real life for my tastes.

I am beginning to feel the bug of writing creaping back into me. It has been quite soe time since I put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard for creative purposes. No ideas have come yet, but I can feel the juices flowing.

So far today has been better, but then its just beginning. Besiides geting stuck at the bank behind some morons who were just sitting outside the drive-up window, apparently waiting for the bank to open and there by blocking the drive up ATM not much bad or annoying has happened. though I beleive we are going to get our first biochem tests back today, so it could rapidly go down hill.

Inspite of yesterdays occurances I am again wearing the ammulet. I gues as a scientist I need to see repeatability of an occurance before I beleive it. though I probably should have picked a better day to test it out.


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