Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, September 30, 2004

This has been one hell of a week.

The biochem test sucked big time. I can only hope the rest of the class did as poorly so I fit into the curve. So it was quite a few days wasted studying thhat I could have actually been learning something.
Yesterday was spent butting heads with fast talking morons in Saint Louis about GMP work on biomolecules. Well actually most of the day was wasted flying in a plan there and back, then taking tours of the site, then lunch, and comming in as the least amount of time used was the disscussions about the many flaws in their methods. They seem to know a lot more about the work they are doing than I think they actually do. A number of method flaws were presented to us as the correct ways to do things. So now I have to look all this shit up and see if its true or not.

Well actually hold that thought. I get a semi frantic call from my consultant contact person to call her back this morning. I do and what do I find....The offer I was asking 100$/hr (which in my mind and the minds of everyone I have spoken with is a very reasonable request) was turned down. Their counter offer, which from what they say (*cough* bullshit *cough*) is at the high end of their payscale is a wopping 33$ per hour. This is only 7$ an hour more than I was making as a full time employee and that's not including benefits of any sort or the actuall calcuation of how muchh I actually worked.
I had a hard time not laughing in her face....actually I did laugh in her face. So now I'm going to submit the time I have worked, take their meager paycheck for it and give them the finger. Let them run this project without me. Maybe they can, maybe they cann't. I know they won't be able to hit their first few deadlines with will probably cost Pfizer in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the studies that will be put on hold.
I'm fairly certain there will be anouther coounter offer, when my full refusal is heard. And if not well then I'll have more time to study. Bad ews is I probably won't be able to get the vid camera I wanted, which screws up my need to be a film maker. Maybe I can still work it some how. We'll see.

Dreams have been crappy lately. Lots o fighting last night and I was losing. Maybe the presure is starting to get to me.


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