Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Well I'm in the dog house. Yesterday was BZ's B-day and I didn't call her or email her. I'm such an idiot about these things. I even reminded my self a few times. It annoys me tha i forget stuff like this but probably not as much as it annoys her.

I had an odd dream last night. I was hiking or rock climbing or some thing like that with BZ. We were crawling down between these two huge rocks. Now to give you soe prespective this was a very vivid dream. the rocks were grey where the light hit them with orangish streaks running theough them. Where the light didn't fall it was all sort of a strange orange glow. there were old leaves and stuff padding the ground and a lot of smaller rocks here and there. Along the large rocks I could see bits of crystals and other shiny things.

We crawled down a ways and there were these spider things down there that were poisinious, and purple ish but kind of transparent. They had sort of an amytheist look to them. Then there were these piles of crystals like 4 in a circular pattern with a fifth one on top. I remember reaching for the crystals and having one of the spider things jump out and go after me. I have this odd feeling the crystals were the spider thing's eggs. I wokr up trying to brush the spider off my arm. But it wasn't really creepy like other spider dreams I have had in the past.

Not too much else to report. Reran my PCR so I'll see if it worked bettter this time. I really hope so. I got my boffer's finished, at least a great sword and a long sword. I'll make some more tonight, maybe an axe.


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