Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, July 26, 2004

Well I have returned from Wisconsin.  I am currently 105$ porrer, but richer 105$ worth of cheese.
The trip was ok.  I got to meet BZ's fam, and the extended fam, and the extended extended fam.  And some people she didn't know but just decided to show up.
Her sister's wedding went well, it was a very nice and short ceremony that kept all of the important parts in it.  They had it at the Madison state capital, which was a really nice building and the good news is I didn't freak out there as I have been known to do at churchs.
The reception was also nice.  BZ's speach went well (which I wrote) except she forgot part of one of the jokes. I was nice and didn't boo or hiss.  It was an open bar for the most part but I only had a drink or two.  I'm not usually one to get plastered at weddings, unlike blue shirt gay boy and his fat friend.
BSGB decided it would be a good idea to hit on every person at the reception.  I did the conciderate thing and didn't kick his ass when he tried to "fix my tie".  Fat friend was a bowl full of yucky as well.  Especially when she stood outside partially oozing from a lose fitting button up shirt and told the story of how she had banged two differernt guys the week before, explaining that as "there are only so many times you can poke the tiger before she pounces."
I did my best no to poke any tigers for the rest of the night.

On a funnier note, we also decided to be kind (mostly due to cost) and did not acquire for the bride and cleaverly hide among the wedding gifts the 3ft 6in diameter monster latex dildo or the vibrating testical bag, though that particular product did boast "shoot like you have never shot before"  so we may have been in error not getting her that.

The next day was a BBQ.  nice weather, more family.  I got to hear some very funny stories about extended family and friends, which I would recant here if I could do them any justice.

Finally sunday rolled around and we caught the plane back home.  I did bring back cheese samples for some of you, but you'll have to swing by to pick them up.  for everyone else, go buy your own cheese.  And visit wisconsin, america's dairy land.  Thoguht that title is a bit deceiving as wisconsin seemed to support some of the smallest breast sizes I have ever seen packed in one place.  It seemed B-cup was the stopping point.


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