Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Well last night was another one of many vivid dreams. I think I woke up many times durring the night so that I could see them all. Unfortuantly right now I don't remember much about any of them except there was one dealing with drug dealers and half nakid chicks.

Saturday was a day of mild excitment.
I woke up to the eluring smell of fried dough. I remembered that it was sail fest and that I should make a trip down to town to check it out.
By 8:00pm and a long day of moderate depression and failed attempts at starting a new story I had finally worked up the energy to go.
From my house I made my way down the big hill. people covered almost all possible areas worth sitting. Its been some time since I have been in a monster crowd like that. to absorb that much energy is almost over whelming.
I'm still shocked by the outfits many people feel the need to wear out. My first big pass was a girl in a black tube top sort of deal and white pants that were see through enough to note the bright green string thong she wore underneath. from there it was an assundry of low cut tops and sagging breasts, pre-teens and X-small check out my nubs shirts, and a mass of others. Its kind of funny being in a sea of minds like that. To realize that most people on this planet hate them selves, or think little to noghting of them selves, that they need to show of what minor ordinances they have to make up for their self imposed devalue of personal beauty. I do have an obcession with depression and unfortunatly it clings to me like a sticky note. By the time I had made my way through the moronic masses I found I no longer really wanted a deep fried treat.
Well it took me a few minuites of waiting in line to get passed that and 3$ later I was holding powered sugar covered artery clogger. Standing by the docks watching the infinate lines go past I to felt the twinge of despaire when I realized most of the attractive women seemingly sizing me up were more interested in my fried treat than anything else I might have to offer.

It was at that point I began the trek back home. Fireworks started as I began to go and my departure was greatly celebrated in a showering display of pipoints of light.


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