Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Pop Quiz Hot Shot!!!
Its your last week of work.
Your boss is on vacation!
The guy you're supposed to be training is on vacation!
The other guy you're supposed to be training is on vacation!
What do you do?

Well yesterday I went home around 1 and played final fantasy for 8 hours straight.
I'm greatly conciderng doing something similear today.
Lordy its borring here

My job today is to finish checking my notebooks to make sure all the pages are signed, then wheel them all down to records management. Thats it.
I may have to look up some info on FF11 and write a star trek post, but we'll see.

It was super foggy on the drive in. I could see maybe 2 car lengths ahead of me. It was pretty cool.
The wekend was fun, played a lot of FF11. did some shopping, I have a lot of birthdays to be buying for, speaking of which I'm on the 18th if any of you were wondering.

Not sure what else has been going on, but I will say 2 days of eating bratworst are starting to catch up with me. We'll have to wait and see how 3 comes out.


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