Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, September 17, 2004

Well this is a bit of a late post. this week has been full of failed PCR reactions, new classes and working on a presentation with some MD/PHD chick. At least she isn't a moron.

Last weekend I went to play NERO. For those of you who don't know NERO is a LARP or Live action roll play game, if you can imagine a really cheezy ren faire, where people attack each other with foam weapons and throw bean bags at each others to simulate spells thats pretty close to what its actually like.
It was a decent amount of fun. They have a few more rules thhatt I would have if i ran the game, but then its probably to increase the mass appeal. I NPC'ed for the weekend meaning I got to play all the bad guys and any random plot driven character the people playing got to meet. I got to play Ogers, Trolls, Kobalds, A Ghost, Exploding gobblins, and a lot more.
Combat was pretty cool. I droped quite a few PCs (player characters). In soe ways its kind of fun to beat on nerds and geeks and if the odds weren't signifigantly in their favor (usually 2-3 to 1 and some times as much as 5-6 to 1) I would have caused some serious havoc.

Tonight our normal DnD game has been put on hold duue to a number of people having to skip so I'm going to try out talisman for the first time. I've heard good things about it.
I really need to find my creative centers again. Its been far too long since I have written anything real, painted minis, or anything else like that.
there have ben dreams all this week, btu i can't remember much of any of them. They were high action.

This weekend is filmfest in new haven. I'm going to be a loby manager for the first time which should be cool. I hope they have better films thann last year.


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