Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, October 01, 2004

I though I would start today off wiith a little "adding insult to injury" as a follow up of yesterday's excitement.
When I left the kingdom of the glorious drug overlords, I was making approximatly 54K. That was after 3 years of false bad reviews and screw you over raiises. If I had actually gotten raises based on what I had accomplished It should have been an addition of something like +1K '02, +2k '03, +3K '04. So we have 54 + 1+ 2+ 3 = 60K. So 60K / 50 weeks/ 40hr/week comes out to a cool 30$ per hour.
Let me just say again they can take their shit 33$/hr and cram it when it doth not see the light of day.

The election debates were on last night. I didn't watch them but caught a bit on NPR this AM. Pretty much what I was expecting. You know its pretty sad when the amount of mud slinging in a campaign makes comical films about campaigns "Head of State" look allmost real.

Today, I digest PCR product to see if I can see differences better when the DNA is in smaller chunks.


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