Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, November 01, 2004

Well today has gone ok. My new pcr rxn does work, but I still need to see if it more usefull.
I had a talk with the PI who gave me sme sort of "this is confidential work speach, so I'm going to have to be more careful about who I talk to about what I do, which is almost no one anyway, so now its even less than that. for this journal I'm afraid I may have to just go with the thumbs up thumbs down routine.
So today in lab, thumbs up. Hope for the same tomorow.

Im my molecular basis of disease class we're studying Cox-2 inhibitors, specificaly Celebrex. Makes me kind of whish I had been on that project for a while. I had some friends who were but they aren't around right now. Will have to track them down and rack their brains. I neer though we would be discussing drugs I was working on or was almost working on. Maybe we'll do Geodone next. At least I know a bit about that.
Although its 5ish and I' still in the midst of lab work I don't think its going to b that late of a night. Pretty much just have to get a gel running and its go time.

Seaking of travel, I'm out of audio books so if anyone knows a good one please let me know.


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