Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, November 19, 2004

First a quick review of last night:
Yesterday was the first day the boss was back. We had a good talk about the project I'm on and where it could possibly go and let me tell you its kick ass. I'm supre psyched right now.
In secondary news I saw an appartment. It was small and kind of sendy but adequate for my needs. I guess it was about time I truly enter the life of the poor grad student. Which is kind of funny because if I was able to fully rent out my house I would be sitting pretty right about now. I've always said money dosen't mea much to me and I guess this is where I get to put my literal money where my mouth is. I've got a cool girl friend, lots of stuff and some pets that need a place to stay so as long as I can still foat the rent and mortage I'm good.
The end of yesterday at school was another kind of scarry. John (I need to get some code names for these people), the senior guy in the lab, had to give a presentation on a paper he was given maybe 4 hours in advance. Needless to say it didn't go very well. He got shreeded then me and the other first year in the lab were asked to leave the room. That just spells trouble. I hope he didn't get it too bad. Though I have often found at least in cases with me the big boss is friendlier one on one and usually just puts on the show when he has an audience.
So without further adieu today:

Well today began with a dream. A dream I would call "make out camp". Why do I call it make out camp? Well when I woke up at 5:20am and went over the dream in my mind I said 'and don't forget the part about the make out camp" Unfortunatly thats all I remember:(

Oh and by popular request sme one asked how many times Anita has sex in the book. In "Incubuss Drems" so far 2 times is the correct answer. I just finished tape 5 and she is in the middle of havig sex for the second time. to recap:
Tape 1: intro
Tape 2: sex begins
Tape 3: sex continues
Tape 4: lots of guilt and bitching over the sex
Tape 5: we go to the strip club, some more sex begins.

Oh and I think some where in all that thhere was a murder, which was the premise of the book.
I'm thinking that I may have to write to the author and ask her to stop using the term vampire. Vampires drink blood. these "vampires" just hump a lot and seem to feed off of foreplay. They aren't really vampires "Sexpire" would be a more acurate term.
Also why do Goth people find moping around to be hot? All the hot guuys in the book just mope around and bitch about how crappy it is to have suprenatural powers. If I was in the book I'd be a kick ass vampire (note not a french one). I'd give all these whiny vamps and were-beasties the finger, then turn into mist so they couldn't do anything about it. Then they would probably cry. Damn sissy undead!!


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