Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Its wensday. Science seems to be going resonable well. Still havig some trouble getting my numbers to come out right, but they are looking better, or at least consistant.
The boss is out until monday, apparently his wife had to get some sort of surgery or something done. I feel bad for him.

I'm greatly concidering trying to write some today. I think I may have enough of an idea for a story to put something together.

Not too much else to report.

No scratch that, my spirits have returned and are once again doing what they can to bother me. Besdes the image flashes I get now there are farmiliar smells. I've caught it twice on seperate elevator rides. they like to do this sort of thing where you can't get away from it easily. The scent is some sort of hand lotion I beleive or maybe baby powder. I used to know someone who wore that sort of scent but I can't really remember who. It is most annoying.


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