Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

This morning I awoke to some strange dreams.
I was hosting some sort of party and there were a lot of people over, but we may have been at my parent's house instead of my house. For some reason someone there needed a knife so I got out my new ever sharp knives and then did a little comercial for them. Showing how they could cut through steel, I used a nail since I couldn't find anything else I wanted cut. Then how it was still sharp enough to cut through fruit. After my demo I gave it to some girl to cut cheeze and when she tried to the blade broke. But I wasn't too worried because they have a life time garuntee.
Heck that whole half of the dream was just a big infomercial.
Then I made out with a cute friend of mine, yeah you know who you are. And right when it was getting hot and heavy I woke up.

What a scam, first a comercial, then I miss out on the really good parts.

Question, is it bad when you blow your nose and blood comes out? I got kind fo freaked this morning, but it has been really dry and this sometimes happens to me when its dry, so who knows. That stupid movie on aids esterday got me a bit worried, but then I got tested a while back and was clean.
This is why I don't watch a lot of illness films or spend any time on things like web MD. I do get hypochondria (think thats the term) when I look up disease stuff.

not much else to say, its looking like another exciting day of waiting for cells to grow.


Blogger ladymurasaki said...

hypochondria is a little bug they put in the coffee there in the cafeteria.... lol :)

and yes the dry air thing is normal - as long as we're not talking buckets o blood...

soooo - who was the cute friend eh?? *grin* lol

10:43 AM  

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