Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday, My first day back after a long and relaxing weekend, my first day back after a full week of illness that I'm still not entirly over.
My first day back and I'm already bored.
Ethics class is a 2 hr waste of time. Today it was a 2.5 hr waste of time since we watched a film. Journal club was actually kind of interesting and went into how the mirror image of biological molecules are never used for certain biological functions. Then my cell phone went off. It has a avery loud and musical ring and everyone there but me got a big chuckle out of it.
Up next I have a class to discuss bio literature, which should be interesting, I hope.

Tonight I have some studying to do and some painting. I did get a few new minis this weekend to fill out some spaces that needed filling for friday. I also ordered some new books off of amazon but they probably won't get to me for another week or so.

In the realm of films, I say both sky captain and Ned Kelly over the weekend. Both were good. Sky captain was as cheezy as I though it would be which was excelent. Ned Kelly was pretty sad, but a quality film none the less. The rest of the weekend was spent watching giant monster movies on scifi which is always enjoyable and gave me a good idea for a short film.

Nigh-quil has pretty much rendered me dreamless, so nothing to report in that respect, but I can feel a good rant or two working their way up. I have a review for Afrin to write up for an online mag I helped found, but haven't done much for since.


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