Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tuesday, wonderful tuesday. Yesterday was so busy I didn't have a chance to post.
The weekend was pretty good except that I had to waste half of saturday comming in to school to do an experiment that didn't work. I have a feeling I lost my protein in the centrifuge spinning. So I have to repeat this week.

All weekend I had horrible night mares. Mostly about BZ and my family betraying me in some sort of farming or white trash setting, all was very odd.

V-day was yesterday and I can't say how happy I am it is over. I have now passed the "Bad" holidays for me so it should be another year untli it all has to happen again. Maybe I'll just truly delve into my atheism by then and give them all up, but I doubt it.

So tuesday finds me tired, but in decent spirits. We're gaming this friday which is always exciting and I've got a few new minis done for the game. The real question is which to use. I still need to write up some stats for the ice queen, but she may get droped for the big fella. Ooohhhh the suspence.......

And for those of you asking yes I did specifically make up a jailer:)


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