Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why do you
Fill me up
Butter cup baby
when you take me down
When you're not around
And worst of all Baby
is when you say you do
But I need you too
I need you
I need you
More than anyone ought to
Please don't crap on my life
Fill me up
Don't break my heart.....

Yes so I don't know the words to the song, bite me.
Today is full of creativity and ambition. Probably because I have a test tomorow and still haven't really begun studying for it. Procrastination always brings it out in me. Thats probably why I could never be a professional writer, I need some other job to not be doing to have my most creative time.
Which is why I was able to write so much at PFE.

Last night i got some serious painting done, 4.5 figures and with detail. I looked at them this AM and was fairly impresed, but not nearly so much as my group will be friday when they have to fight them, Mwahahahahaha.....

Today is another day of lacking. No class as its a study day for the test, not much real lab work (one solution change, wooooo) and thats about it.

Not too much else of great interest. I finished reading "flim flam" last week and never commented on it. The book was very good, factual, but good. Its written by the Amazing Randi, who was a stage magician back in the day, and it goes through how a lot of psychics, faith healers, sayances, ect are all fakes and how they do their tricks. Its really good info for anyone who is easily taken in by this sort of thing. Now I'm working my way througha book on mithrasism which is a religiou that existed around the same time as the start of christianity, but didn't do any sorts of writings, so very little is known about it. What they did leave are all sorts of underground temples and such. So far its pretty cool. I like these books about studying old religions. If there was actually enough money in it I probably would have gone into that line of work. But alas, biochem is where the bucks are.

That or I would have made toys and games. Which is what I'd really like to be doing, but again not much money in it unless you're the best.

That said I should probably get back to studying.


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