Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Yesterday ended up ok. I met with a professer and it looks like I have a good lead on my next rotation. Finished up my blot, which worked, but is looking dirty so I have to try to clean it up a bit.
Went home a bit early and hung with BZ who had just gotten back from boston. We ordered out some dominos and watched a few films. So without further adieu....

Movie review:

Today we're looking at 2 films: Catwoman, and the Village

Preview: one of these films blew big time!!!

Catwoman was one of the worst rated films of 2004, right up there with electra. As expected from a comic book movie (not done by brian singer or sam rami) the writing was kitchy and full of cheeze. The plot, what little plot existed, was bland and uninspired. The drecting was just horride, to many close ups, shakey cameras, and just bad angles, which was mostly done to cover up the bad CGI they did. That said the film was actually pretty good. Hallie Barry was awesome. Her cat mannerism imitations were just hysterical and unlike Electra she looked totally hot in the Catwoman outfit. Yeah her lines were cheezy of over done, but thats how comic movies should be. The fight scenes were well done and well coegraphed. Over all it was a fun movie.

The Village was one of the better rated films of '04. I should have known just from that or the fact that its always refered to as "M. Night Shymalon's The Village" that it needed help. I will say this the film left me in suspence and by suspence I mean "The condition of being physically suspended. " As in I had to suspend higher brain functions to make it through this peice of crap on disk.
I can find nothing redeaming about this peice. The story is slow and overly drawn out, much like the recitation of the weak dialogue. "Well...................That is....................if we want to............."
Those pauses often went on for 30 seconds or more.
The characters are weak and unbeleivable, much like the plot (if you can call it that).
What ever skills Shymalon had as a writer director, have obviously been used up. For what should have been a freightening tale of monsters in the night ended up being slow borring and cheezy. The monsters are stupid looking, slow, and clumsy and if you are ever forced to watch this crapterpeice you'll find out why.
Also whats sort of crappy gene pool do these people come from. In a tiny town of maybe 20 ish people, there is a blind girl and a retarded guy. Thats just bad breeding stock.

Then we have the big suprise ending that old M. Night has become trademarked for, which magically changes our prespective of how everything is in the film. Of cource he didn't do nearly as good a job of hiding it as in the 6th sence. BZ mentioned at the very beginning of the film how odd it is that they have all the glass they do for a colonial american town. Also the vinyl siding on the houses was a give away.

I think this film was supposed to have some sort of message to it about the nature of man kind or something like that. If so it failed miserable. The only message I got is that we can't trust retards. Oh yes, and if you dump a blind girl in the woods, she can find her way through them and back to where she came from. Blind girls can even run in the woods without tripping on branches and other crap like that. Also magic rocks work and its a bad idea to dump them out.

So if you're looking to waste 108 minuites of your live counting ceiling tiles or the number of times people blink, I suggest The Village.


Blogger Shadicats said...

Told you about Catwomen. :P And the Village was so gross I had lost all respect for the director.

I dare you to waste an afternoon watching Alexander. I also challenge you to watch it all the way through without turning it off. I double dog dare you.

Anyways. Congrats... on whatever.

9:53 PM  

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