Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wow its been quite some time since my last post. This week off is going fairly well. I'm geting some stuff around the house done and just getting rested up in general.

Last night I droped into target and made a bulk purchase. First off I finally picked up Jess's house warming gift. Yeah I know its late, but yoyu should have expected that. Second I procured for my self, the scourge of JFK, the magic bullet. LEt me tell you it is awesome. It slices and dices and makes perfectly blended milk shakes in about 7 seconds. When I saw the Telemercial I didn't beleive it. How could any product be so wonderful? How could any blander dice up full ice cubes in just seconds and not cost 200$ or more? I own a kitchen aid blender and it can't do that.
So we get it and take the MB home. The book instructions are almost idiot proof. Put stuff in cup, screw on blades, push down on machine, blend until disired smoothness. Now for people who like nonuniform drinks or having big annoying chunks of ice or whole peices of fruit floating in it, this may not be the contraption for you. But if you're into frozen drinks, and...well I haven't used it for anything else yet. So you will have to wait until I do to get a review on that.


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