Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Monday, July 25, 2005

Monday morning and feeling a bit sick again. The weekend was decent but I didn't get too much done.
Friday we gamed but things were a bit slow again because we ended up spending about an hour or so doing market research for a product we're planning to put out. The rest of the night went well. My brother came and gamed with us which was cool.
After the game we were up till a little after 2:30 still doing work on this gaming product. I think we're going to try to launch it at Gencon, which would be wild.

Sat morning I was supposed to come in and get some stuff done. Just wasn't happening after the late night. Sat day we were supposed to be going to Six flages for amgen Picnic, also didn't happen. We ended up doing more work on the product, then went out shopping for a smidge.
Thats when it started to happen.
Do you ever have those days when you know something just isn't right. Something is odd, a bit off.
You see a girl: Not bad, decent body. She stats to come closer and all of a sudden it all goes wrong. Nice boobs, not bad face...oh my lord what happened to her face.
Its hiddeous. Quick back to the boobs, but no, its to late. You know. You know.
Look away!
Look Away!
Another girl, awful too, no boobs, giant ass. Huge beach ball below racket balls A&T.

It was everywhere we went. Like some sort of henious march of the mutants. The weather gets nice and they all crowd to the mall. But not just the mall, every where. On the sides of the road. The grocery store. There was no escaping them.
Hell if life was a movie I would have had a chainsaw in one hand and a pump shotgun in the other and been screaming "All right, which one of you midievl fucks wants some, Hail to the King baby!"

Sunday was a lot of the same.
Also dinner at my parents and a game of Munchkin. I highly recmend to all.

Back to school today and al my plates from friday were contaminated so it was just as well I didn't come in. So today we begin again.


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