Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Friday, July 08, 2005

It seems like I hardly get a chance to post anymore or maybe its just that there isn't too much new and exciting going on.
I've had some requests for me to do some book reviews. Unfortunatly I haven't had much time to read as of late. I've read some more D&D source books, but apparently they fall into the category of games.

The last book I read was "The unifying force" which was the last book in the New Jedi Order series of starwars books. I was pleasently pleased with it. After so many of the NJO books left much to be desired and seemed to run the star trek way of things, meaning they portraied some big unstopable bad guy, who is then miracariously becomes weaker so the good guys can beat him in the end. Unifying force brought in a lot of characters where were more or less left out of the rest of the series and didn't do a butcher's job on them. The writing style was nice and flowing and I liked the end.


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