Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I barely made it in today after a long but fun (some of it) weekend. I almost passed out a number of times on the drive from NL which was very not good. Last night was filled with nightmares of various sorts which kept me from getting any sort of decent rest.
But lets back track a bit.
Friday ended late. I didn't get out of lab until 7ish, which sucked and got home even later. I can't even really say what went on when I did get home as it all seems like a blur now.
Saturday I came in for what I though was going to be some quick plate counts (counting the number of bacteria colonies which appear on an agar plate) and starting a new culture. Instead, the bacteria weren't grown up enough so I spent most of the day waiting for that to happen and my new culture didn't get done as I had left the plate for it out on the bench top, these things grow best at 37C. This meant I would have to come back in sunday. So I got out of here around 1ish, then my tire blew out flying down Rt. 9 on the way back home, so I had to pull off half on an on ramp and put on the spare. What a pain in the ass. The spare got me back to the mall and 3hours and 300$ later I had some new tires. This eft just enough time to go to dinner with BZ and her bro and sis, who were down. Got home and all finished around 8 or 9, played some magic and passed out.

Sunday, got up at 8 something to drive BZ's Bro to church. She likes to sleep in and fained ignorance as to where the church was, not like I have any real clue. Picked him up when he was done and then we rallied some troups and were off to manchester to Wickham park for multiple hours of frisbee golf. It was fun as always and a lot of excercise which I need. Kicked into lab for a bit when we were done and got my cultures started. Then we headed home and did some grilling. The night rounded off with a few more games of magic and crashing down in bed.

Monday, we drove Bro back up to Worster MAss and dropped him off with the Sis, then pluckered back to the house. Did some grilling with my fam and crashed down again.

So my big relaxing 3 day weekend was more of 2-3hours of relaxing and a lot of go go go time.


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