Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Thursday, July 28, 2005

One simple task, thats all I wanted. In about 10 minuites please put my plate in the incubator. And where do I find it this morning, just where I left it. Its kind of ironic, because I was thinking to myself while I was walking out yesterday how pointless it would have been for me to hang around the extra 10 minutes to wait for the bacteria to soak into the plate. I'm not going to learn anything doing it. Its not some new technique or something difficult I need to practice at. You just pick it up, invert it, and stick it in the incubator. Thats it.
Now I know what I should have stayed. Because you can't trust anyone else.

Had some more dreams last night but again forgot them. I'm going to have to start sleeping with pen and paper and write these things down. Eithor way it wasn't anything exciting. I need more stress in my life and sexual frustraition. Back then my dreams kicked ass. It was all action movies and sex. Now they are things like walking the dog. Ugh.


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