Memories of the Future

Ever had a Spam Wafful, debated the red herrings with actual herrings, or written the spoken word in sky writing. If so enter and enjoy

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Round and round the world goes and I feel like I just don't have time for any of it.
We've had no new sales for the adventure board, proving me right that going to gencon was going to be a big mistake and a waste of money.

In good news the guy who showed up an hour late to veiw my apartment is going to take it. I got a call form the super saying he was approved and I'm going to turn in my keys today at 3:30. It will be a big releif to be done with this.

In the last few days I've bought way too many SW minis. But now I can run some really cool battles and woe to thee who decided to pick an army of all small crappy figures for the giant monsters will descimate them.

Gas prices are really pissing me off. I caught on the news today that we're back to about 40% of output from the refineries that were thought to be lost. A bunch of them were just a little wet with no dammage and just needed to be restarted. Apparently the oil compagnies are looking to make some thing like an 80 billion dollars more than they normally do because of the raised gas prices. Its such bull shit. The gas stations around here already were filled so that gas was already paid for. So now they can just make out like badits spiking the price because of a possible shortage and people have to pay. We have a mobile society. People have to drive to work, drive to pick up their kids, busses drive kids to school, planes fly people accross the country, all of it requires gas. I bet those fucks with the batery powered cars are just laughing at us, laughing at me. We'll see how much they laugh when I cram that damn battery places it was never meant to go. Like into the pumps at gas stations. Then I can laugh as they blow each other up.
Maybe I should switch to decafe.

In movie news, Loch Ness sucked. More crap on scifi. All I want to see is mosters eat people and then people blow them up. Is that too much to ask? I don't need to see Ted Danson drive around on a boat for 2 hourst straight looking for the LN monster. dull.

I had more to rant about but it escapes me at the moment.


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